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  1. Yehui Deng

    Tipps Zweiwege-Zugmodell im N-Maßstab, kleine Szene

    The two-sides model layouts is being collected by a studio in Beijing, China. The layout want to present the scene of different seasons of the Alps regions. Well... to be frank I like the winter side more than the summer side haha. Thanks for reading and supporting!
  2. Yehui Deng

    Tipps N-Skala Holzbrücke kleine Szene

    N scale wooden bridge small scene. The scene is now being collected in a model studio in Beijing, China. It represents a American scene with iconic American wooden bridge. I spent a lot of time on this bridge. In all the joint points of the bridge, I used a small nail as a decoration. Also...
  3. Yehui Deng

    Tipps Ho scale layout

    A sall project I made during the summer vacation, located in Nantong, Jiangsu Province, China. The project is quite a big one (for Chinese locomtive lovers) in about 7.2 square meters. Thanks for reading and supporting!
  4. Yehui Deng

    Tipps Lokdepot im Maßstab ho kleine Szene

    Apologies for not good at German. This is a layout I've been made since June. It isn't a large scene, but in rather good detail. All the internal strcture was handmade and instead of using tape lights, I used model droplights which can make the scene quite beautiful in the night. Thanks for...
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